The Mountain Fund was established in 2005 and seeks to build safe, sustainable mountain communities where residents have access to healthcare, eductions and economics opportunities in an atmosphere in which human rights are protected and respected. They fund community-bases programs that promote respect for local culture and environment to accomplish this aim.
The Mount Everest Foundation for Sustainable Development in Nepal & Tibet
The Mount Everest Foundation works to alleviate extreme deprivation in Nepal through local development groups and collaborations. The Foundation has built schools, staffed hospitals, restored dilapidated cultural centers and invested in Nepal's most important resource – its citizens – through sustainable community-based initiatives.
Mt. Fuji Conservation Fund
A contribution to this fund funds ongoing garbage clean-up (including left over litter that continues to rise to the surface from 50 + years ago), trail cleaning, and repair. This fund donates to the "Council for the Promotion of Mt. Fuji's Proper Use" which is part of the Yamanashi and Shizuoka Environment Ministry of local government. Donation Amount is ¥1,000 or more.
A contribution to this fund funds ongoing garbage clean-up (including left over litter that continues to rise to the surface from 50 + years ago), trail cleaning, and repair. This fund donates to the "Council for the Promotion of Mt. Fuji's Proper Use" which is part of the Yamanashi and Shizuoka Environment Ministry of local government. Donation Amount is ¥1,000 or more.